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AdultEA Parlours (Platinum, Blue, Bliss, Virginias) This forum is for discussions of ladies who provide a relaxational massage and do not sell sexual services. Any discussions of purchasing sexual services is illegal in Canada

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Old 09-16-2021, 07:29 AM
bluewaterbobby's Avatar
bluewaterbobby bluewaterbobby is offline
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Default Adult EA “Tipping Advisory”

Suggesting the management at adultea, either enforce, remove or modify the “tipping advisory” stated on their website.
It currently says

For 30 minute session
“Any and all additional services/extras should not exceed $150 in any capacity.”
For 60 minute session
“Any and all additional services/extras should not exceed $200 in any capacity.“

I really enjoy the ladies at adultea and the facility is awesome. The only thing I would call a “bad” experience was due to the “tip” value presented by a few girls I have seen there.

I refer to it as “bad” because it exceeded the stated values on the website.
The current “tipping” advisory creates an expectation that left me in a state of unpreparedness from a cash perspective which resulted in a session that didn’t reach my expectations.

I am not arguing that attendants shouldn’t be able to charge more, I’m simply stating that the stated “tipping advisory” does not reflect what I experienced on a few occasions.

It kinda sucked not being prepared. Most attendants I have seen there do adhere to the stated guidelines but a few did not.

Hope this doesn’t come off the wrong way, I’m guessing I’m not the only one that has showed up unprepared.

Thanks and have a great day!
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Old 09-16-2021, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: Adult EA “Tipping Advisory”

Not sure when the tip advisory was last updated. But there are enough warnings in the rest of the article that it may be exceeded and that there has been an increase in greedy or impatient attendants in recent years. Hence you may have a 'bad' experience has it is referenced. IMO 'should not' does not mean 'can not' or 'does not deserve' as it is the client's to begin with. But, yes greedy and impatient can be considered a bad experience.

Considering the purpose of the website, I would suggest to write a review of your experience with said attendants either good or bad, and other clients can choose who they wish to see based on said reviews. As with most reviews one person's experience is different from another person as well as we don't always hear both sides of a review good or bad.

Last edited by fever40; 09-16-2021 at 10:12 AM.
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Old 09-16-2021, 11:04 AM
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Gerald Gerald is offline
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Default Re: Adult EA “Tipping Advisory”

Some guys get a little carried away when big brain shuts down and little brain takes over.
Bragging you got a lady to go above and beyond "the norm" for an easy $300 tip isn't really a brag, it's a confession of a testosterone overdose. lol
It sounds like that "Advisory" is simply a warning to keep your big brain alert.

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