Please note this forum is limited to London Sugar Advertisers who are currently paying for a Gold or Platinum Level ad package. Since it is an advertising feature, it only reflects the most positive reviews. For more reviews you can search the open review forums.
These reviews are "copies" of the original reviews posted by London Sugar board members, in the open review forums. No one is allowed to post in this forum as it is strictly for Advertising purposes only. If you wish to post a review (can be good or bad as long as it's real, polite and respectful), please use one of the standard review forums. Every effort is made to insure that the reviews posted on this site are done by actual clients of the advertisers. Fake reviews can potentially result in a ban of both reviewer and advertiser if it deemed the advertiser was part of the deception. Fake reviews discredit this website and the advertisers on it. These reviews are not a guarantee of services, they are simply a collection of personal opinions and experiences from a group of anonymous board members. As they say, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary). |
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