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Old 09-10-2022, 04:07 PM
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The Hug Slut

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Default Re: Massage / Finish Combo

Originally Posted by dvinnie69 View Post
I don't post negative reviews because I tend to blame myself for a subpar experience.
E.g. I had a fantastic experience with one of the advertisers here but left smelling like weed. All I could think of after that was what excuse can I come up with for smelling like weed. It smelled like weed when I got there, but I stayed for the hour anyway.
I am not going to put any negativity in a review for the amazing coffee and massage that left me terrified when I got back in my car.
Another time I had the most lackluster performance that I ever had for 90 minutes. Could barely feel the massage, the dance was mediocre at best and the finish was mechanical at best. The whole experience was mechanical. I don't feel comfortable writing something like that about an advertiser here.

I wonder how many of you know exactly who both are.
To a point I can understand your concern. I agree with you about giving the person you saw a rave review about her service but it IS worth mentioning about the smell of weed since that clings to you for a while and will make your SO wonder where you were. Mentioning that is not negative about service but can be cautionary FYI to others before they go there. And it really is an FYI to the advertiser too.

As for the lackluster massage, mediocre dance and mechanical service that IS worth mentioning in a review regardless if it's an advertiser or not. These things have to be mentioned as an FYI to others and the advertiser. Maybe she was having an off day but if that type of service continues then people need to know so they are aware of it. Could it affect her income? Yes. But it also effects those who see her and walk away disappointed.

I'm a firm believer in reviews - indies, agencies, parlours, etc - for the information they provide, good and bad regardless if they're advertisers or not.

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