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Old 09-10-2022, 09:08 AM
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Gerald Gerald is offline
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Default Re: Massage / Finish Combo

Originally Posted by dvinnie69 View Post
I don't post negative reviews because I tend to blame myself for a subpar experience.
E.g. I had a fantastic experience with one of the advertisers here but left smelling like weed. All I could think of after that was what excuse can I come up with for smelling like weed. It smelled like weed when I got there, but I stayed for the hour anyway.
I am not going to put any negativity in a review for the amazing coffee and massage that left me terrified when I got back in my car.
Another time I had the most lackluster performance that I ever had for 90 minutes. Could barely feel the massage, the dance was mediocre at best and the finish was mechanical at best. The whole experience was mechanical. I don't feel comfortable writing something like that about an advertiser here.
I can respect that. Just so you know, I have no issues with reviews like that. Those are valid issues.
I did see one review where I had to step in as the reviewer complained about the lady's nipples.
I find that kind of critique disgusting and lacking humanity. If that bothers someone personally, that's normal, but don't paste it on public board as a bad review like a livestock broker at a barn.

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