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Old 09-10-2022, 08:28 AM
hockey-gods-show-wrath's Avatar
hockey-gods-show-wrath hockey-gods-show-wrath is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 178
Default Re: Massage / Finish Combo

A review can always be made explaining all the pros and cons you feel you experienced. It can still be a great source of information for all of us regardless of how any particular individual feels about it. Some of that stuff is subjective to each individual and each individual should decide how to react to it.

I don't particularly care about weed odour. I have my preferences as I'd rather not walk into a smoky deep deep indica filled room. I feel like it's nice to know something like that ahead of time so that I can imagine that it's going to be a situation where I'm walking into a room with that dank skunk smell, and if it turns out they're smoking some kind of chocolate strain, that's just a bonus.

For me, any truthful information is better compared to no information. You can always make a fact-based review about your experience without being demeaning, belittling or being completely negative.

I'm not demanding or asking for more reviews. Just hopeful that people won't be discouraged from leaving them.
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