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Old 12-06-2019, 03:50 PM
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Gerald Gerald is offline
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Default Re: Reconnecting with Sasha

Originally Posted by Rocknbod View Post
What’s the best way to connect with Ms. Sasha. I tried all her contact info but no luck ?
She is a very busy lady between work and everything she does in her personal life. I'm just happy she is still advertising.
Text message is probably the best, but make sure you let her know when she can text you back. Some ladies get too busy to reply right away, then worry about responding later in case your wife/girlfriend or whatever is within view of your phone.
Also make sure you let her know when the best time frame is for you to book and how long you want to see her for. The less questions she has to ask you, the easier it is for her to book you. Bookings can be very time consuming so if you appear to be quick and easy to book, you will get priority with responses.

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