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Old 02-18-2018, 12:43 PM
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Jamesyfurries Jamesyfurries is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: London
Posts: 14
Unhappy Re: Are the parlors still the same after new bill pass?

(We are also the first city in Canada to use the new C36 laws to charge an ****** agency, and so far that agency is winning the fight in the courts.)

Oh ya ive forgotten about that case. Interesting the media doesn't talk much about that one. I didn't know it's still going on.

Thank for the reply on my First post. You were helpful on clearing some of that for me. As for a city full of moralists figure that why there some guy yelling in a bowhorn down town in the evening quoting scripture in my ear while i weighting for croswalk.

I'm just surprise there some cities starting to open up but London seem to be taking steps back.
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