Thread: Kate BP 3556
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Old 12-04-2017, 04:35 PM
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Exclamation Re: Kate BP 3556

Just an FYI for you guys about Kate. She turned out to be a thief. I visited her on five separate occasions. She seemed very nice and was a good sp. But on my last visit I was robbed and threatened that if I said anything about her taking the money in my wallet she would call the police and have me charged. Her so called boyfriend was in the next room and came in. I had just gotten out of the shower when this happened. This has also happened to a gentlemen in TO when she was visiting there as well. This happened on Nov 4 /2017. She had disappeared since then . I texted her from a number she would not recognize and she told me she would be back in London working Dec 8 2017.
Be very carefull guys. Im not sure if she and her so called boyfriend are in this together or if he is a pimp or she owes him money or what. But she wouldn't even look at him when this happened. She told me the same story how she has travelled to alot of places so be careful karmack5. She really talks a good talk. She told me she going on holidays the Monday after I last saw her on the 4th. So I know whos money she was taking if she did go. I think she had to give it to him.
Moral of the story. Never bring your wallet to your hobby.
Lesson learned.
To bad my first post here had to be like this.
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